Horse Owner or Steward?

We think about ourselves as stewards of these horses. Different from owners, we are committed to their care and wellbeing and what we can do for them; not what they can do for us. They are not objects. They are thinking, feeling beings with needs and opinions just like our own.

Whenever we take authority over someone or over a situation, we take responsibility as well. I grew up with bucket loads of responsibility and had to assert myself to have equal authority. The two go hand in hand from either direction and demanding “control” of someone’s life means we must be responsible for all aspects of their wellbeing. That is stewardship.

It applies to all animals. It applies to our family members. It applies to the Earth; to the land and all life on it. To be a good steward, we set our egos aside and focus upon the needs and wellbeing of those under our care. Sometimes we are the ones cared for. Sometimes we are the caregivers. If you have ever been in a position to need the help and consideration of another, your empathy is increased, and you understand that often tenuous feeling of dependence! If you have ever felt like merely an object, you know how offensive that can feel.

In order to be a good steward of our horses, we need to cultivate relationship with them. Unlike the motorcycle we can leave in the garage for weeks, then bring it out for a ride – our horses need connection to us (and others of their species) to keep mind and body healthy. The motorcycle doesn’t get stiff or sore; it does not worry about where you will take it; the motorcycle does not feel “off” that day (it has no feelings). The horse does. We need to be able to listen.

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